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Happy Winter!

I can't believe I just wrote the words happy winter! It's so hard to believe that is is already December! I hope this letter finds you looking forward to gearing up for the winter holidays to spend some special time with family. The math classroom has been getting more and more exciting here at Faubion. Student's are really starting to take ownership in their learning, and I am seeing many more "aha!" moments as the students make deep connections. It's wonderful to see!

8th grade math is finishing up on their points of intersection of linear equations this week. They've done a fantastic job with this difficult algebra concept. 7th grade common core has began an introduction to linear equations. We were able to calculate each students walking rate, so be sure to ask your student how fast they walk! 7th Compacted is diving straight into a long algebra unit. We've been practicing combining like terms and will soon start solving equations.

As always, please don't hesitate to call or email with questions, concerns, or just with an update. I always look forward to hearing from you! Have a restful and family filled break at the end of the month and we will see you in 2017!!

Below are a few pictures from a project in the Math in Real Life elective. Students practiced the engineering process and collaboration to build the tallest tower that could hold a block. Student's were challenged by losing "resources," such as their voices or one arm.

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